How to participate

Follow these steps to request participation.

Please contact Johan Burisch ( for participation in the Epi-IBD group or questions regarding the collaboration.

The Epi-IBD cohort consists of incident patients diagnosed with IBD (CD, UC or IBDU) according to the Copenhagen diagnostic criteria of IBD. Patients are required to be living in the predefined up-take area at the time of diagnosis. The Epi-IBD protocol in English is available on the web site. Data is entered in the web-based Epi-IBD database.

Participation requires:

Epi-IBD group meetings are held 2 times per year: ECCO congress and UEG Week.

If you have logistical problems:

Participation requires the payment of a yearly member fee of 450 Euros per year per center for 5 user logins. The fee covers server fee, domain fee, 24 hours online service fee from HD-SUPPORT ApS.

All participating centers will be audited. 20 randomly chosen patients file will be verified in Epi-IBD Database and protocol adherence and case ascertainment methods assessed.

Epi-IBD Scientific Commitee on behalf of the Epi-IBD group